
Rompa la barrera de lo que es posible con Aspen Hybrid Models

El lanzamiento de Aspen Hybrid Models dentro de la nueva versión de software V12 da un paso adelante para las industrias de Oil & Gas, midstream, downstream, petroquímicos y químicos especializados.


New Paradigms of Sustainable Value in 2021

Sustainability has already started to drive investment in digitalization initiatives to support the need to accelerate innovation and change. The pace of investment will pick up in 2021.


Digitalization is How Industry Gets Fit for 55

Ambitious new carbon-reduction proposals by the EU will compel major increases in efficiency and sustainability for asset and energy-intensive industries.


Solución a cuellos de botella en la producción de gas usando un gemelo digital

Conozca cómo YPFB Andina integró y optimizó su producción en Upstream de gas usando un gemelo digital


Accelerate Your Knowledge Delivery With Aspen eLearning!

As changing business conditions and an evolving workforce challenge companies in the process industries, AspenTech is working to meet their diverse training needs.


Introducing Aspen Unified™

The new release of Aspen Unified represents the next step for industry leaders in their digital transformation by unlocking greater value from current assets, increasing safety and profitability.


Global Oil and Gas Post-COVID: The Dawn of a New Age

COVID-19 has pressed the green accelerator as part of its impact on oil and gas producers. Technology will open new frontiers to enable the industry to emerge leaner, stronger and greener.


Which Technologies Will Help Determine the Winners in the Energy Transition?

As energy companies navigate short-term profitability and long-term investment in energy transition, digital technology has become the key swing player.

White Paper

Five Keys to a Successful APC Program

The success of an APC program is measured in many ways, but the overall success is integral to achieving operational excellence. For example, an APC program should safely capture benefits during testing, capture all the potential benefits with aggressive full scope controllers, and create an APC culture and organization. Download this white paper to learn more about these concepts, as well as several others, which are key to a successful APC program.

White Paper

Digital Twin y la empresa inteligente

En todo el mundo, las organizaciones lideres están adaptando e implementado tecnologías digitales avanzadas. La travesía de transformación digital cambiará la naturaleza de las industrias intensivas de activos, particularmente los negocios de energía y químicos. En ese contexto, Digital Twin — (copias virtuales de activos físicos y sus comportamientos operativos) tendrán papeles clave. Para los gemelos digitales que creemos hoy, un concepto clave es la inteligencia artificial que proporciona información y asesoramiento sobre los datos virtuales. Descargue este White Paper para conocer sobre estas claves esenciales en su estrategia de digital twin:

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